My second-ever carp, this 9lb 2oz fish taken at Tibshelf Ponds on freelined crust (with 10lb line straight through on a MATCH rod!) set me a long-standing PB back in the mid-90s and marked my first step towards becoming a "Specimen Hunter"
Snow Melt
Not ideal conditions, fishing in the snow-melt - but at least it wasn't
freezing cold! And a herring deadbait lowered into a little slack soon
brought a r...
13/12/2024 - A mixed bag from the Dove
After constantly checking the weather and the river levels for what felt
like weeks it finally looked as if I would have an opportunity to get out
after so...
More tackle talk
For a few years now I've been using leger stems for my eel fishing. I know
full well that when the line is tightened they don't stand upright, but
once t...
Mine Shafts, Floods and The Harwood Arms
Happy New Year everybody,
Covid for Christmas, which is not what we asked for and resulted in a funny
forty eight hours of sleep, sweating and unusual d...
Some Days.....
...are just a trial. Yesterday was one of them. With the river running from
spate to spate for over a week I'd be mad not to wet a line. I didn't fancy
a l...
Taff Grayling and Trout
I'm not sure the advertising gurus at Starbucks had thought this one
through!? It did amuse us though when we called in for a coffee on our way
to South ...
Looking Back and Looking Forward
Well its time for a round up of last year and it was eventful for the first
6 months of the year then it all sort of went down hill.
I decided early on ...
A Suriname Adventure.
Each January for the past several years I have travelled to South America
along with Joe Taylor and other likeminded anglers. Joe is the linchpin
having ...
December Predators
So December started with my now annual pairs lure match which I organise on
the Trent and Mersey canal each year. This year it was kindly sponsored by
Fish Leather Books, New Website & Blog!
Greetings to everyone. You may or may not have noticed a few changes afoot
with my site and blog. There is also some rather exciting news to share,
which I...
Back with a Whimper
A whole year without blogging, what's that all about? Well last year my
confidence was shaken, I have to admit it. Pike fishing is going in
directions I do...
Over two years since my last update! way to much to write about and "a
picture paints a thousand words" so check it out
Catfish Lakemore
11lb12oz pb T...
A month on the rivers
There is nothing like the anticipation of the rivers opening for coarse
fishing, don't know what it is but the 16th always remains far more
special tha...
A specialist anglers year, part one
Despite my best intentions to try and resurrect my writing at the start of
last year it all went to pot I'm afraid. After taking over the new business
we r...
Been a while!
It's been a while since my last post and no excuses I just haven't had the
time, family and work commitments are keeping me away from the bank, I can
Pike don't like Mondays - or do they..?
This one hit the lure and threw it in a tailwalk, before it chased it half
way across the drain and nailed it under my feet. Not the biggest pike I've
Please join us at POST-TRASH. It's going to be a slow start, but things
will happen and it will be awesome. We remain dedicated to bringing you the
best ne...
Bonded by Blood 2 (2015) Gratis
Full Movie Bonded by Blood 2 Full Movie. Full Movie Bonded by Blood 2 Full
Movie with duration 96 Min and broadcast on 2015-01-22 and MPAA rating is 0.
Blimey I’ve not posted here for a while!
I’ve been fishing a fair bit, but in my opinion badly. Blanking for tench,
carp barbel and big bream seem to have taken up most of my summer. It’s
been h...
Check it..
I post a bit on face book these days and have a "This Angling Life" face
book page. It's far easier to use than blogger especially on a mobile or
Attenborough Bream
We're just back from a two nighter at Attenborough Nature Reserve gravel
pits. A lovely place to relax and spend a few days fishing in the sun...
and rain!...
Back on the perch
It seemed to be over in a flash. The river season is well and truly closed
now and it's time to look elsewhere. I've had a little dabble on the canal
and ...
Men, Women & Children (2014)
Best Men, Women & Children in High Quality VideoNow you can see Men, Women
& Children in HD quality with duration 116 Min and has been aired on
Eds first fishing trip
The blog resumes...
More or less a year since the last post... There was of course already a
baby en-route even then, So the summer passed in a haze of DIY ...
Mayfly Reflection
There hasn't been much time for fishing recently - my degree has taken
priority over the last year and subsequently hobbies have taken a back
seat. I did h...
Mission (im)possible
I haven't blogged recently as I have not really had much to talk about, but
after attending the AGM of Tonbridge and District Fish Preservation and
Now that the rivers are forbidden, we have to turn our attentions to lakes,
pools and canals. There's a very small pool 5 minutes drive away which,
BIg Pike - Attempt No 12 ( Fens, Boston, Lincs)
If you look back into the blog, tench and grayling have been a particular
struggle for me in the diaries but thankfully today is pike fishing. The
good ne...
Return of the blog!!!!
Hey guys, been super busy with work over the summer and obviously lots of
fishing thrown in!! Im going to post up a few photos from my summers
fishing anti...
04/03 Trent
Recovery day following mates stag weekend...played 9 holes of golf then off
to the river. Was looking forward to a good days fishing with the weather a
Chilly Chubbing in January
Over the last month I have been predominantly focusing on the Warwickshire
Avon around my local area. To say that the weather has effected this has
been a...
*Its amazing how a couple of years ago when I started tying these large
musky flies that so many chaps critisised there size and wondered whether
they w...
Roaming Free - Mexican Adventures - 2012
Show Me How To Live - Audioslave
Here Comes The Sun - George Harrison
Billys Backbiters are the number one Bite Alarm of choice for the serious
predator angler.
Paul Alsop from Rotheram will soon be firing up the soldering ...