After a few Summers of catching a decent number of 2lb+ perch on lures I decided it was time for a slightly different kind of challenge. I would still visit my favourite Summer swims which took many blank sessions to find, but now I know where the perch are at this time of year they've been very reliable and with only a few repeat captures. The main difference is that instead of conventional lure fishing (which I'm fairly proficient at), I would try for them with a discipline which I'm far more clumsy and out of practice with; fly fishing.
I asked my good friend and fly fishing instructor, Kevin Miles, to tie me up some flies replicating perch fry, after seeing a good perch spit one out in my landing net a few weeks ago. The resulting flies - tied onto size 2 Nash Fang hooks - were really good too! I should have really taken some photos of them before I started destroying them by hurling them into undergrowth and such like!
I was using my Fox Predator XS fly rod, which I bought when it was on offer a couple of years ago and it's been gathering dust since, just begging for me to get around to using it. To this I attached a Greys GRXi large-arbour fly reel loaded with clear sinking line. I then used a "Rio Toothy Critter" leader, which has a coated wire trace section at the tippet.
Anyway, I had about an hour of fluff-chucking and had just a single take, but it was from a big perch - my biggest of 2010 so far in fact - 2lb 15oz of fry-eating, fly-crunching, prime Summer stripey!
02/02/2025 - Lanzarote round up
My friend Rob hit the big "60" this month and to celebrate a group of us
headed off for some winter sun on Lanzarote.
Our base was on the south-western ti...