When I saw this project on Kickstarter, I just has to share it:
It's called the "Cat-Fish" and it introduces the idea of "fly fishing" for your cat. You have a mini fly rod & reel, castable fly line and hookless flies, which you cast out and try to lure your cat into taking the bait. What a genuinely unique and brilliant idea!
Practice your own fly casting skills at home, whilst exercising and entertaining your cat!
What better way to spend half an hour on a dark evening or a wet & windy day, than bonding with your cat and keeping your casting eye in by casting out a little teaser lure in the kitchen or down the stairs?!
I should probably add that I have absolutely nothing to do with this project (other than pledging to back it), but I love fishing and I also have cats who love to chase things. This project won't happen unless they receive pledges for the total target value. They only have a couple of weeks left to find backers, so if you'd like to own a Cat-Fish, or see it come to market, please visit the Cat-Fish Kickstarter page and pledge to back it!
Cat-Fish are also on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/catfishtoy
Snow Melt
Not ideal conditions, fishing in the snow-melt - but at least it wasn't
freezing cold! And a herring deadbait lowered into a little slack soon
brought a r...